Eighth Grade Holocaust Unit
Through our research from the United States Holocaust Museum Website, Voices of the Holocaust and many other non-fiction books about the holocaust, students will attempt to answer the following questions: How did the Holocaust happen in the first place? How were the victims persecuted? What was the resistance to the Nazis during the holocaust? Why should we remember the holocaust? Who was responsible for the holocaust?
About Me
- Name: Ms. Beth Keyser
- Location: Superior, Montana, United States
I teach Language Arts to seventh and eighth graders
The theme of Misha is: How far will you go phisically and mentally to find the thing you desire the most?
Throught this book Misha has to struggle with survival. She has to be very smart and strong to stay alive. Which has got to be pretty difficult when you are only 8 years old! The main thing that keeps her strong and full of hope is that some day she will be reunited with her parents.
No matter how hungry or tired she got she still kept plunging forward all because of the hope she had of being w/her parents again.
The theme of, "Misha, Memoires of the Holocaust Years." What I think the theme is just to find hope to find what cares most to you. Examples, she was leaving to find her parent and she left because her fake mother was going to turn her in to the Nazi's. She was living with wolves for 3 or 4 years. Almost captured by Nazi's because she had hope of finding that on thing she wanted most, her parents.
I agree with you Kaylee.
I think she risked everything for hope of finding her parents.
She found such comfort in the wolves she would risk everything for them too. She almost didnt want to leave them becasue she loved them so much.
I think that the theme of, Misha, A Memorie of the Holocaust Years, has something to do with humanity and how Misha felt about that. In the story, Misha continuously stated that living with wolves and things like that is better than living with humans. She said that humans are killers and cruel to others.
I agree with you Alychia, she just kept going even if anything was in her way she still wanted to be with her parents.
testing testing 123!
so, as i was saying earlier: this story has a lot to do with hope and humanity. She has to have a lot of hope and faith with the stuff that she went through. she also didn't like humans as much as she did the wild, cuz humans were killing other humans, and other stuff.
I agree with you Savannah, I think she got along more with the wolves then she got along with humans. Well she did get along with humans, just in a different way
I also think that it must have tooken a lot when she met that soldier and had to defend herself. She had to see everything that he did to that young girl and then defend herself from not getting that done to her. that must have took a lot of courage and hope.
Well she ended up falling in love, but it was really sad that he died. I was picturing him and her getting married already.
I think that it must have been hard to lose all her contact with human life. I think that it would be like having to start all over again. I almost wonder how she could remember to talk and stuff so well so soon. i can't believe it is true. she went through so much!
but no pain no gain, right?
That was really scary what happened to that girl. I felt really bad for her. I was really proud of Misha for pretecting herself.
Savannah, Alychia lets talk details.
I think that in the essay that we have to write, we should write about what we think the theme is. such as, hope, humanity, perserverance, and strength. what do you guys (gals) think?
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